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The Respect Team

Respect Team Header Logo
The RespectTeam encourages self-respect and respect of others through educational programs in middle schools and high schools that are designed around the message of "I am valuable. You are valuable."  They also empower parents of teenagers through the RespectTeam Podcast that reaches over 1,000 monthly listeners, and they engage students with their community through TeenSpeak, an annual TedX style event that encourages teens to speak up and speak out and share their story of strength, and through the 360AWARDS, an annual event that honors local teens who are making a positive difference in their homes, schools, and communities. 

With the onset of COVID, many businesses and non-profit organizations were hit hard financially. The RespectTeam was one of those organizations.  However, they have not let that stop them, and instead have made their school presentations now virtual presentations.  The schools are thankful that although the delivery of the presentation may be different, the message is still the same and is still able to impact their students.  In order to continue to provide support for the RespectTeam's efforts, they have teamed up with 6th Clothing Company. 

Purchasing the RespectTeam products will not only help provide support for the organization, but it will also continue to spread their message...a message that everyone needs to hear and shout..."I am valuable. You are valuable."  Please consider supporting the RespectTeam today.  To find out more, visit